Below you can find an overview of the webinars and publications of HydroNET Australia. Watch the webinar or read the article by clicking the image.

Below you can find an overview of the webinars and publications of HydroNET Australia.

Watch the webinar or read the article by clicking the image.



HydroNET article in Waterlines Issue 2 2023: 
A Flood Intelligence Portal: How it can help communities and authorities before, during and after a flood event



HydroNET article in Waterlines Issue 2 2018: 
Improving timely access to data with the HydroNET Water Control Room




HydroNET article in Waterlines Issue 1 2018:
Improving operational water management, and WSUD, with real-time calibrated rainfall data




HydroNET article in Waterlines Issue 3 2017:
Benefits of gridded rainfall data



HydroNET article in Waterlines Issue 2 2017:
HydroNET wins prestigious award for co-created water and climate services