South East Water and Salisbury City subscribe to HydroNET RainWatch
The HydroNET family welcomes South East Water and Salisbury City Council
HydroNET RainWatch – radar rainfall data and smart tools.
South East Water hope to use the ensemble forecast data and historical radar rainfall data in RainWatch to improve the management of their smart rainwater tanks as well as to improve the calibration of their sewer models.
Salisbury City hope to use the same data to improve their aquifer management.
Improved observed and forecasted rainfall data is one of the most important aspects in understanding, planning for, designing solutions to, managing, operating, maintaining and evaluating water management activities. A good understanding of the location, timing, duration and intensity of precipitation is vitally important. HydroNET RainWatch uniquely provides near real-time and historic calibrated, gauge blended radar rainfall data, providing you with the equivalent of 1 rain gauge every kilometre, improving knowledge of the rain that falls between the gauges. HydroNET RainWatch further provides smart tools to easily access, visualise, interpret and use the data (including exports for use in other software) and is a worldwide leading expert in real-time calibration of radar rainfall data.
Contact Brian Jackson of Water Technology on +61 3 8526 0800 for more information.